Nelson City Taxis in the Community
The Nelson City Taxi Society is proud to support the community. As part of our commitment to meaningful participation, we support a wide range of local community groups in our region.
We were recently awarded a certificate of Appreciation from Nelson Tasman Hospice for sponsoring a Lacebark as part of their "Trees for Hospice" campaign.
We are committed to supporting the older members of our community and are proud to be associated with AgeConnect Nelson Tasman.
We were recently awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Lions Club of Nelson Host for our support of "Youth Wellbeing & Personal Development".
We also support the following charities on a regular basis:
- The Going Bananas Show
- HeartKids New Zealand
- Lions Club New Zealand
- The Kids Foundation
- Fostering Kids NZ
- Nelson Cancer Society Annual Ball
- Nelson College for Girls Annual Fashion Show
- Fifeshire Foundation Annual Golf Tournament
- Nelson/Tasman Relay for Life
Nelson City Taxis are proud supporters of local festivals including: