Nelson City Taxi Social a success

  • NCT Driver

The social began with a game of housie followed by an 'egg aiming competition and finally a time trial tyre changing game.. Over all winners of the games were Liam, Karen and Dean.  Liam doing a fantastic job of winning the tyre changing competition against younger competitors in our company. Well done!

Nelson City Taxis Social EventNoel made an impressive barbecue which was enjoyed by all and kept the finances in check - big thank you.

Tim's mum did a fantastic job running the Housie!

The Ocean lodge provided a friendly and welcoming environment and made some awesome salads.

Special mention goes to the businesses who provided the prizes and support for the games:

  • Tyres and Moore 'Adrian" for designing and organising the equipment for the tyre competition.
  • Jaycee for train ride tickets
  • Radio world 'Eli' Subway Voucher
  • Mount Campbell Communications for movie vouchers
  • McLays Auto Electrics 'Toby' for hydroslide vouchers
  • ZM Haurauki for giveaway prizes
  • MediaWorks for giveaway prizes
  • Tim's Mum 'Ineke' for running the housie
  • Julia for taking the photos and helping out (and dressing up)

Finally, I would like to thank the Social Club and the Nelson City Taxi Shareholders for providing the finances. The Social Club has a $2.00 a week Lotto which makes the socials possible.

Would like to leave you with a text sent to me from a member of the Nelson City Taxi:

"thank you for reminding us that a social is about having fun"

Ocean Lodge Review written by Bernie Goldsmith.

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